Εκπ.Προσωπικό > Δημοσιεύσεις > Λαλάς Σταύρος |
Δημοσιεύσεις- Λαλάς Σταύρος |
Extraction and identification of natural antioxidant from the seeds of Moringa oleifera tree variety of Malawi |
11/11/2008 |
(2002). Lalas S. and Tsaknis J. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 79 (7), 677-683. |
Characterisation of Moringa stenopetala seed oil variety "Marigat" from island Kokwa |
11/11/2008 |
(2003). Lalas S., Tsaknis J., and Sflomos K. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 105 (1), 23-31. |
Detection of olive oil adulteration using principal component analysis applied on total and regio FA content |
11/11/2008 |
(2003). Dourtoglou V., Dourtoglou Th., Antonopoulos A., Stefanou E., Lalas S. and Poulos C. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 80 (3), 203-208. |
Use of rosemary extract in preventing oxidation during deep fat frying of potato chips |
11/11/2008 |
(2003). Lalas S. and Dourtoglou V. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 80 (6), 579-583. |
Methanolic extract of Verbascum macrurum as a source of natural preservatives against oxidative rancidity |
11/11/2008 |
(2003). Aligiannis N., Mitaku S., Tsitsa-Tsardis E., Harvala C., Tsaknis I., Lalas S., and Haroutounian S. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51 (25), 7308-7312. |
Extraction and identification of natural antioxidant from Sideritis euboea (mountain tea) |
11/11/2008 |
(2005). Tsaknis J. and Lalas S. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53 (16), 6375-6381. |
Physicochemical changes of olive oil and selected vegetable oils during frying |
11/11/2008 |
(2006). Chatzilazarou A., Gortzi O., Lalas S., Zoidis E. and Tsaknis J. Journal of Food Lipids, 13 (1), 27-35. Η δημοσίευση αυτή ανακηρύχτηκε από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Blackwell Publishing ως η καλύτερη για το έτος 2006 στον τομέα των λιπιδίων τροφίμων (Food Lipids). |
Application of cloud point extraction using surfactants in the isolation of physical antioxidants (phenols) from olive mill wastewater |
11/11/2008 |
(2006). E. Katsoyannos, A. Chatzilazarou, O. Gortzi, S. Lalas, Sp. Konteles and P. Tataridis. Fresenious Environmental Bulletin, 15 (9B), 1122-1125. |
Frying stability of Moringa stenopetala seed oil |
11/11/2008 |
(2006). Lalas S., Gortzi O. and Tsaknis J. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 61 (2), 99-108. |
Reevaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Thymus spp. extracts before and after encapsulation in liposomes |
11/11/2008 |
(2006). O. Gortzi, S. Lalas, I. Chinou and J. Tsaknis. Journal of Food Protection, 69 (12), 2998-3005. |
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